Welcome To Raza Muhammad Welfare Foundation

The mission of the Raza Muhammad Welfare Foundation is to empower lives and create positive change in the community.

About Raza Muhammad Welfare Foundation

The Raza Muhammad Welfare Foundation was founded by Dr.Aqsa Ismail Niazi, Ismail Niazi, Shakeel Niazi. Sajjad Niazi , Rizwan Niazi They are visionary individuals who recognized the need for a dedicated organization that could uplift the lives of the most vulnerable members of society and create positive change.

Have a strong passion for social welfare and a deep commitment to serving their community. They have dedicated their time, resources, and expertise to establish and shape the foundation, ensuring it operates with integrity, compassion, and a clear focus on its mission.

We Are To Provide Years Of Skill Now.

We are here to provide years of skill and expertise, nurturing growth and success for the long journey ahead.

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Happy Volunteers

What We Do




Poverty Alleviation

Community Development


Innovating for change

The Raza Muhammad Welfare Foundation to transform the lives ofone billion people – particularly women, girls and children – by improving their nutrition. To do so, we need to change the way we do development. We need to break down silos, disrupt the status quo, and put the people we serve – and the challenges they face – at
the centre of all we do.


Help us raise money for our humanitarian causes.

Do Have Any Questions?